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About Babblarna

Babblarna are a colourful bunch who have taken Sweden by storm, but they are so much more than just a group of sweet and charming characters. Babblarna are actually a well thought out language training resource. While playing with and listening to the characters, saying their names and copying their special way of talking, the children develop their own language. Babblarna books and toys are recommended for children from 0 -5 years old, the music and films are recommended for children from 1-year old. Babblarna is a totally Swedish concept, only from Hatten Education.

Babblarna is the most successful children’s play and language concept ever in Swedish history. Growing in the Nordics and now expanding internationally.

Welcome to Babblarna's world!

Visit Babba, Bibbi, Bobbo, Dadda, Diddi och Doddo. Paint, watch a movie or play games with Babblarna.

To Babblarna's World

Meet Babblarna!



Babba is talkative and likes to read fairytales and discuss things. Babba is brave and gladly takes the lead.



Bibbi is quiet and careful, studies things and thinks a lot. Bibbi loves riddles and puzzles.



Bobbo is energetic and has a ery temper, but if Bobbo gets angry it soon passes. Bobbo loves to move and dance, and going on adventures!



Dadda is impulsive and cuddly. Dadda loves being outdoors observing, touching and imitating things.



Diddi ies around like
a whirlwind, daring and fast. Diddi likes to jump and swing, and paint with lots of colours.



Doddo is calm and stable, and attentive to the feelings of others. Doddo loves to sing.


Each Babblarna character speaks its own language: Babba talks Babbish and Diddi talks Diddish for example – but, naturally, they all understand each other perfectly! Babblarna “babble” using the melody of spoken language and so the child is trained in how language sounds, but is also encouraged to start babbling. To get started with speech and language without using real words acts as a catalyst for many children, especially those who have difficulties in their language development. For some chil- dren, Babblarna offer real, practical help, whilst for others they are “just” enjoyable and entertaining characters. All children love Babblarna! The books are written in such a way that the child has a very clear role in the reading of the book and helps drive the story forward – making sounds and babbling are the basic ingredients, but turn-taking and the learning of concepts are important elements too.


Babblarna’s appearance and movement patterns are simple and clear. They capture the small child’s eye and hold the gaze. There aren’t a lot of quick cuts and different viewing distances that might complicate things for the little ones. Babblarna’s language and sounds also attract the children themselves to babble, which for many children leads to their first words! The songs are “real music” that both children and their parents enjoy and can be listened to over and over.


Babblarna have a very strong foothold in Swedish pre-schools, and educators have been using them as an integral part of language development for over 8 years.
An important feature of the Babblarna concept is that they are inclusive – all children participate, with the aid of the Babblarna’s great music and play-inspired learning.